Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Axel Finkbeiner

More than 30 years of experience in management positions up to General manager, CEO and Interim-Management. Automotive and construction machinery industry with the complete supply chain.
Professional Experience
- Apprenticeship as a toolmaker
- Study mechanical engineering
- Production manager toolshop, head of prototyping, head of toolshop, head division sheet metal production and technical managing director (1991-2008)
- Plant manager, deputy managing director (2008-2015)
- General manager (2015-2016)
- Plant manager (2016-2018)
- CEO (2018-2020)
- Freelance interim manager, consultant, mediator (2021 - today)
Focus areas
- Production Manager, Plant Manager, General Manager CEO
- Forming technology (sheet metal forming, press and stamping parts, assemblies, body in white, tooling) and special vehicles / construction machinery (steel construction, manufacturing, painting, assembly)
- Project Management (numerous costumer and invest projects)
- Efficiency programs (successful optimization and efficiency increase programs)
- Ramp Up series production
- Mediator
Reference Projects
- Interim production management for mechanical and plant manufacturer - Success Story PDF
- Interim production management for automotive metal supplier - Success Story PDF
- Interim Plant Manager for construction machinery - Success Story PDF