
ABTF - Automotive Business Task Force is a marketing network of freelance consultants and interim managers. For information about the people please refer to page "ABTF Partners" or "Senior Partners".


Editor responsible for the content of these pages:

Adalbert Ney
In der Traenk 36
D-63075 Offenbach

Tel.: +49 69 977 69 260
Fax: +49 69 977 69 259


Sigurd Gottschalk
Kirchstr. 22
D-65812 Bad Soden/Taunus

Tel: +49 172 6917169



We expressly point out that each network member acts on its own legal personality and performs projects on its own and sole liability.

ABTF is a registered trademark. The texts, logos, images and graphic contents of this website are property of the publishers of this website or purchased through a license. Any duplication or use of graphics or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express permission of the publisher.

Changes of contents of these pages and errors expected.

Notice of liability:
We have compiled and checked the contents with great care. However, we take no responsibility and no liability for the completeness, accuracy or timeliness. For external content we are not responsible. ABTF is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on the destination website, nor does the content share the views of ABTF expressed there. This declaration applies to all links and for all contents of the pages to which banners and links are directing.